Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oberkommando = So Cool

Having what is possibly the coolest, silliest, and funkiest name in the entirety of the German wehrmacht was the oberkommando der marine (supreme commander of the navy). Though the title is rather self-explanatory, I feel nevertheless compelled to outline the purview of this position. Mr. Oberkommando was in charge of the strategic operations of the kriegsmarine, and he had a number of henchman-like underlings (or so I would like to believe), namely (and take heed, dear reader, for this quote hails from the stygian depth of wikipedia's page on the kriegsmarine - dubious! to say the least) a "Commander-in-Chief (Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine), a Chief of Naval General Staff (Chef der Stabes der Seekriegsleitung) and a Chief of Naval Operations (Chef der Operationsabteilung)." These positions were in addition to the standard naval ranks (here is another excerpt from wikipedia, this time comparing the ranks of the German and US/British navies):

Kriegsmarine US Navy/Royal Navy
Großadmiral Fleet Admiral/Admiral of the Fleet
Generaladmiral Admiral
Admiral Vice Admiral
Vizeadmiral Rear Admiral (Upper Half)
Konteradmiral Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
Kommodore Commodore
Kapitän zur See Captain
Fregattenkapitän Commander
Korvettenkapitän Lieutenant Commander
Kapitänleutnant Lieutenant
Oberleutnant zur See Lieutenant (Jg.); Sub-Lieutenant
Leutnant zur See Ensign/ --
Oberfähnrich zur See Midshipman (Senior)
Fähnrich zur See Cadet/Midshipman (Junior)

For instance, the first two oberkommandos, Erich Raeder and Karl Donitz, were both Grand Admirals. Yes, the Germans were quite efficient in their naval organization, and yet...they lost! Why? I will examine that in later blog posts. I will also discuss Raeder and Donitz in greater depth, for they lead rich, or at least half-interesting lives.

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