Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekly Summary Three

I found Nick's weekly summary, which was actually a response to Danielle's response to Elizabeth's post, interesting, especially the claim that "military necessity forced the British to abandon 'civilized' practices of warfare." The British were fine economically subjugating, or even directly ruling, a country without straying from the traditional, European rules of engagement (feel free to put sarcastic quotation marks around any of the last five words), but once they felt their power and control over a country was threatened they would feel free to use deadly force. Hence, the blowing up of sepoys after the Indian Mutiny in 1857. But, as Charlie pointed out the British realized this approach wouldn't work out in the long run. I guess the conclusion I have is that, fairly similar to Nick's, the British pretty much did horrible things when they felt they had to, but also that this was not their preferable course of action.

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