Thursday, January 22, 2009

More Conservatism!!! (Coffin739-753)!!!

Though gains for Liberalism were slowly being made in Europe over the course of the 19th century, the Conservatism still remained a significant force in Europe both during and after the 1848 revolutions. Regardless of his own political beliefs, in the first few years after Louis Napoleon was elected president of France he restored and strengthened France’s ties with the Catholic church, cracked down on workers’ organizations, and became emperor of the Second French Empire, although he did this with the people’s support. After the revolution in Germany, Prussian ruler Frederick William IV refused to become king of the proposed nation of Germany because he thought its constitution was too liberal, and soon thereafter defeated the revolutionaries. In Hungary, the Russian army simply crushed the revolution led by Lajos Kossuth after Austria asked Tsar Nicholas I to do so. While opposition to Conservatism did increase in this time, the Conservative attempt at Restoration did not fall apart in one big piece.

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